Do You Lose Weight With Invisalign?

Do You Lose Weight With Invisalign?

Can You Lose Weight By Wearing Invisalign?

Who knew Invisalign and orthodontics with braces could do so much for you… We knew. It’s our job. Even though it’s not the main purpose of orthodontic treatment, you might experience some weight loss as a side effect of wearing Invisalign clear aligners or your conventional Fairfield braces.

Whether you want to lose weight or not, you should keep in mind that body weight loss is a potential side effect of your orthodontic treatment in Norwalk. We want to share some of the reasons with our readers and tell you why we like Invisalign so much.

Let’s take a look at why some patients lose weight during their treatment with Invisalign Fairfield, what that might mean for you, and how your Norwalk Ortho treatment can benefit you beyond a beautiful and healthy smile.

Does Invisalign Make You Lose Weight Invisalign

Ok, so there is a bit of a caveat here. There’s no such thing as a miraculous Invisalign diet that makes you lose all the excess weight you gained back during your holidays. There is, however, an indirect relationship between your orthodontic treatment and how your body weight varies.

This is in no way a recommendation to wear Invisalign clear aligner trays or conventional Fairfield metal braces if you want to lose weight, nor is it an observation that you should even pursue body weight goals. What we want to do here is explain that we’ve observed a relationship between one phenomenon and orthodontic treatment.

The main reason why some patients might lose weight is that their orthodontic treatment demands changes in dietary habits.

Take a look at Invisalign users. According to the official Invisalign FAQ, patients should wear their retainer trays for 20 to 22 hours every day if they want to maintain treatment efficiency.

That doesn’t leave too much time available for meals and brushing your teeth, meaning you’ll have to plan your meals and oral hygiene routine much more thoroughly.

Likewise, patients wearing traditional metal braces have several limitations regarding their dietary choices, effectively minimizing their intake of processed foods and fast food that could damage their braces or increase the risk of tooth decay.

If you are getting treatment with the best orthodontist Darien neighbors can get, you’ll have to change your dietary habits, and your body weight will change accordingly.

Do You Lose Weight With Invisalign?

What Can You Eat With Invisalign?

One of the most important benefits of wearing clear aligners is that you can remove them. This feature allows patients to reduce diet restrictions and have more freedom when they clean their teeth.

In other words, patients who use clear aligners do not have to limit their dietary choices beyond a few things that can damage the aligners, such as dark beverages or sugary snacks. This happens because dark drinks, like coffee or soda, can stain the teeth and the appliances, while sugar can produce cavities and other dental issues.

Although you can eat pretty much whatever you want, it is important to remember to take off your aligners before you eat. In addition, you need to brush and floss your teeth before you put the appliances back in your mouth.

As we said before, Invisalign does not guarantee weight loss. However, this treatment can offer patients the opportunity to plan their meals and think about healthier options for their teeth and also their bodies. In this case, orthodontic treatment with Invisalign can help you change your diet and have a positive impact on your overall health and lifestyle.

If you want to eat healthier, but you are not sure where to start, here are some of the best weight-loss recipes:

1. Ceaser Salad:

Salads can be really healthy if you change the heavy dressing and use a lighter version of it. For instance, Ceaser’s dressing can be healthier if you change the mayonnaise for Greek yogurt. This ingredient has fewer calories, and it is creamy. If you want to prepare this recipe, you will need chicken, romaine lettuce, Greek yogurt, olive oil, and a handful of parmesan.

2. Salmon Salad:

Salmon represents a delicious and healthy option for a meal. This salmon salad is high in vitamins, minerals, and omega-3. The ingredients for this recipe are salmon fillets, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, and the juice of a lemon.

3. Greek-style Roast Fish:

This is a great option to eat at dinner; you will need to use the oven to bake the vegetables and roast the fish. Also, you will need small potatoes, onions, olive oil, tomatoes, and any type of fish that you prefer.

4. Mushroom and thyme risotto:

Whenever you prepare risotto, you can use a mixture of rice and quinoa to make it a healthier version of the dish. For this recipe, you will need risotto rice, quinoa, mushrooms, and some thyme leaves.

5. Sesame salmon, broccoli, and sweet potato:

Another preparation with salmon, you can serve this dish with vegetables, like broccoli and sweet potato. This combination will result in a healthy dinner rich in omega-3 and minerals. The ingredients for this meal include salmon fillets, broccoli, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds, and sesame oil.

So, orthodontic treatment can help change patients the way they eat and have more healthy habits, like eating vegetables and fruits and avoiding processed food and sugar. All of these recommendations will help improve the health of their teeth and body.

Fortunately, patients who use Invisalign won’t have to limit themselves too much when it comes to dietary choices. Unlike patients with traditional metal braces or clear ceramic braces, those wearing clear aligners can remove their trays and eat whatever they prefer.

You won’t have to renounce popcorn or hard taco shells, nor will you have to cast aside some fruits and vegetables that would otherwise be a pain to clean off your brackets and wires.

Invisalign clear aligners don’t limit your dietary choices beyond a few things that can damage the aligners. Please, stay away from dark beverages or really hot liquids, such as just-made soups, that could stain or warp your aligners.

Please remember to take off your aligner trays during mealtimes and clean your teeth right after you’re done to minimize the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

The Additional Benefits of Invisalign Weight Loss

Invisalign and weight loss. We want you to know about a couple of other benefits of wearing your clear aligners diligently.

Removable Trays

How can you not love this one? It’s something that helps all patients maintain good oral hygiene. During your mealtimes, you can just take off the trays and chomp on your favorite foods and drinks.

Adults and teenagers will both like that you can avoid the pesky buildup of plaque and leftover food debris around your brackets because you will have none. When you have to brush your teeth and use dental floss (please don’t forget to use dental floss), you can also take out your aligners and proceed as you always have.

Still, a word of caution. Even though you can remove your trays doesn’t mean you should do so every time you feel like it. Keep in mind our recommendation from before, and wear your aligners anywhere from 20 to 22 hours every day.

Clear and Almost Invisible

Your aligners use a non-BPA plastic material that’s almost invisible to the naked eye when you wear your trays. Even if you smile and show off your teeth, onlookers will have a hard time distinguishing the trays, meaning you won’t attract any unwanted attention from prying eyes.

Teenagers and adults hoping to go unnoticed during their treatment will be glad to know this discreet solution is perfect for them. Get your Invisalign aligners to achieve your dream smile!

Improve Oral Health

The principal goal of orthodontic treatment is to address dental issues, giving you a beautiful and healthy smile. However, orthodontics can also help you to improve your oral health. Straightening and aligning the teeth and jaws make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. Furthermore, orthodontic treatment can help create long-term health benefits. Let’s explore the ways orthodontic treatment can help you improve your oral health:

1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene:

Whether you use Invisalign or traditional braces, you need to thoroughly clean your teeth after every meal, which includes brushing and flossing. This habit will help you reduce the possibility of you developing cavities.

It is true that cleaning your teeth when you are wearing braces can be a little harder. You will need to be extra careful and incorporate special tools in your dental health routine. But it is possible to maintain good oral health with braces.

Now, for Invisalign patients, things are a lot different. Because clear aligners are removable, orthodontic patients get to brush and floss their teeth normally.

Both appliances will reduce the number of hideouts and crannies bacteria can find in your mouth, contributing to a fresh breath and a bright smile.

2. Fix Misaligned Teeth:

Orthodontic treatment aims to fix crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth, which can make it harder to clean them every day. Once the teeth are aligned, you are going to find it easier to brush the surfaces of every tooth and to floss them thoroughly. This will give you a better chance of having proper oral health.

3. Improve Lifestyle:

In order to have a successful orthodontic treatment, dental professionals may suggest that you avoid bad habits such as chewing gum, drinking alcohol, and smoking. These activities can negatively impact your oral health as they leave residues on your teeth or Invisalign’s tray.

To enjoy these benefits and improve your oral health, we recommend you visit a qualified and experienced orthodontist who can address all of your concerns and follow your specific case until you get the smile you always dreamed of!

Talk to Your Darien Orthodontist

The board-certified orthodontists of Westwalk Orthodontic Group want you to know you’ll be in good hands when you come to our office for your treatment. Set an appointment with our Dr. Steve Cagliostro & Dr. Gary Romeo to learn more about your treatment options, benefits, and challenges.

We hope to see you soon!